Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Interviewed For The Two Gomers' Podcast!

"Two Gomers Run For Their Lives" is easily my favorite running-related podcast and quite possibly my favorite podcast overall. So when I got a message from Gomer #1 (Anthony) yesterday asking if he could interview me for the podcast, I was very excited and a little nervous.

Anthony said they had about 20 minutes to fill in their upcoming episode and asked if we could talk about my experience in New York. We made arrangements to talk on Skype tonight.

Unfortunately, Gomer #2 (Steven) was out of town, so it would just be me and Anthony. I was a little nervous that I wouldn't be a very interesting interviewee to begin with and I was hoping Anthony and Steven would make up for anything I was lacking with their witty banter. Knowing I might make for a boring segment on the podcast made me nervous.

Once Anthony and I started talking, my nerves settled down and the more we talked, the more I relaxed. One of the great surprises from meeting the Gomers in Minneapolis in June was that we all got along so well, it was like we became instant friends. Talking to Anthony felt like chatting with an old friend and he lived in New York for a while so he was excited to talk about the marathon and the city. We got a little carried away and our planned 20 minutes turned into over an hour. We kept wrapping up only to think of something else we wanted to talk about.

Here's the link for the interview:
The Two Gomers Interview

I had a blast talking to Anthony and he assures me he can edit the interview down to fit the needs of the podcast. It was fun to get a little behind-the-scenes view of the Gomers' podcast and it was great talking to Anthony again. As an added bonus, Anthony's wife, Erin came home just as we were wrapping up and Liz and I got to say hello to their new little girl. Lily is super cute and Anthony is so excited about being a dad!

It was also fun reliving the trip to New York but I think I'm ready for a short break while I figure out my next big adventure.

Goal For The Day: Rest.
Distance: 0.00 Miles.

Notes: I'm still walking a little funny but I'm already recovering well. I would normally go for a jog tomorrow but I think I'll take the next few days off.

Daily Miles: 0.00 Miles.
Blog Totals:
  Run - 573.62 Miles.
  Bike - 144.45 Miles.
  Swim - 13,450+ meters.

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